Building Solidarity for Liberation

NAILS is an anti-imperialist organization dedicated to supporting movements for independence and national liberation across the globe, fostering solidarity among those who resist oppression and strive for national liberation and freedom of colonies and semi-colonies from Imperialism and local tyranny.

Together, we stand united for justice against imperialist and national oppressors.
NAILS Programme

To unite people and organisations in Australia supporting different National and Anti-Imperialist struggles – community groups, exiles and migrants, students and intellectuals, unions, religious associations and others in pursuit of unified action against the peoples’ and national oppressors, US and other imperialisms and local tyranny;

  • to build awareness and mobilise wider sections of people across Australia in action in Solidarity with those struggles;

  • to organise and participate in action in Solidarity with National & Anti-imperialist struggles;

  • to coordinate spontaneous local Solidarity activity for different struggles overseas into organised united activity to disrupt and end Australian Government coordination with and support for US and other imperialisms, and local tyrants, and their suppression of National and Anti-imperialist struggles;

  • to coordinate with people and groups in other parts of the world in united international action aimed at weakening and isolating US and other imperialisms and local tyrants in their oppression of National and Anti-imperialist struggles;

  • to force the Australia Government to cease support for and condemn, sanction, internationally isolate and oppose US and other imperialisms and local tyrants which National and Anti-imperialist struggles battle to throw off their backs.

What is NAILS


black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile

NAILS aims to raise awareness of struggles of Asian, African, Latin American, Pasifika and other peoples for National Liberation and Independence from the system of imperialism and its aggressive drive towards war led by US and other imperialists with local capitalist collaborators.

Across the globe, the system of imperialism has dragged peoples and countries into debt and hardships. People are unable to sustain income, educate, feed and shelter themselves despite extensive natural resources and tireless hard work. Local tyrants and regimes suppress the people, ride roughshod over peoples’ independent nationality backed by imperialist military power, financial and political interference, bribery and war.

NAILS stands in solidarity with these peoples and nations.

We take action, protest, to build solidarity and propagate information, meet locals from those areas of struggle, hold talks, and promote, and seek to provide experiences of liberation cultures.

We work to force the Australian government to oppose imperialist aggression and neo-colonialism and to support national independence struggles worldwide.

We support people of the land determining the fate of their nations, not settler colonists.

We link international anti-imperialist liberation struggles with the hopes of those of us struggling in Australia against the hardships of common people here, including First Peoples’ National struggles, inflicted through the system of imperialism, led by the US and other imperialists and local capitalist collaborators.

As a result of WWII, US imperialism occupied Japan, south Korea, and west Germany, ruled over the Philippines, Thailand, and more.

The US dominated Europe, Canada, Australia, and Latin America,with tentacles stretching into South-East Asia, Africa and Oceania. The US had massive industrial capacity, the globes most powerful military forces, the atom bomb, unequalled finances and industrial capacity and huge accumulations of war spoils.

They used that power to exploit people and natural riches, enslave nations and rule countries. US imperialism set itself against people the world over.

History had seen it before. British colonialism dominated the capitalist world for hundreds of years, ruling with French, Dutch, Spanish and other powers. It too exploited the people and natural riches, enslaved nations and ruled over countries the world over.

It set itself up as the main problem faced by the world’s people. People rebelled. As other powers rose British imperialism lost its primacy. Rival imperial powers challenged Britain resulting in WWI and WW11.

Britain was exhausted by war, economic crises and rebellion. People asserted themselves alongside the US gaining supremacy within the imperialist world. One colony after another rebelled and gained independence.

They faced imperialist intervention, aggression, threats, coups, financial ruin, sanctions and other attacks to stamp out just struggles for national freedom and liberation. US efforts to control countries spurred rebellions against US aggression and domination everywhere.

The US was forced to gang up with other western powers to hold back rebellions. It murdered many national heroes. It imposed corrupt puppet governments. It despatched mercenary troops, and carried out invasions to suppress national liberation movements.

The US enmesh newly independent countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America in debt and dependence in the claws of the US neocolonial empire.

By the 21st century, peoples’ aspirations for freedom from US and other imperialisms and local tyrants were subdued. China sought places to take over from the US and dominate countries.

But people can’t tolerate being held down.

While the US has military bases and interfers all over the globe, has networks of alliances and military pacts, threatens and intervenes politically, financially and militarily, the US is also surrounded by people opposed to its stranglehold.

A new wave of struggles for freedom, for liberation of nations, for independence and democratic rule over their own countries is sweeping the globe.

Palestine is in the forefront with Iran, Yemen, Lebanon and others drawn into the vortex of Israel’s proxy war for US imperialism’s disruption of the core of oil supplies and east west trade routes.

In straightened times post-covid, uprisings against inability to afford living costs, have broken out overthrowing and disrupting governments and debt programs of imperialist powers and their IMF, from Sri Lanka to Kenya, Nigeria to Bangladesh, Kashmir to Kanaky (New Caledonia). Oppressed nationalities have had enough. Nationality struggles are hitting new highs.

Australia is impacted. US imperialism and other western imperialisms dominate Australia’s economy, finances and debt, military strategy and arms, and diplomacy. Submission to US imperialism in pacts like AUKUS and other agreements integrate Australia’s armed forces into the American war machine. Australian military forces are active in the Philippines, Indonesia, the Middle East, Bangladesh, backing US and western strategy, just to name a few locales. Military personnel serve in US units, on US ships and flying US planes. Freedom from US imperialist domination is in people’s interests.

Only with solidarity among people and nations across the globe, will imperialism be driven from our homes, our communities, our nations and our countries.

We are not idealists. We engage in Solidarity because we all stand to gain from every setback US and other western imperialism’s suffer.

We can learn a lot and help a bit supporting national and anti-imperialist liberation struggles as imperialism’s hardships and oppressive misery comes under increasing challenge by people seeking justice and welfare.

They inspire our own striving for independence, people’s democracy, and this nation’s freedom from US imperialism and other imperialisms.

Why Solidarity with National & Anti-Imperialist struggles


Supporting independence and national liberation through anti-imperialist struggles.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

The only way we'll get freedom for ourselves is to identify ourselves with every oppressed people in the world. We are blood brothers to the people of Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba -- yes Cuba too.

Malcolm X

We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.

Nelson Mandela
